Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bookmark Binge: April 15, 2012

Haven't gotten enough of....

Check out Lili Wilkinson's blog for the story behind the book and how she researched love-shyness.

Shadows on the Moon?
Take a moment to watch the book trailer!
You can also read the first chapter for free.

Oh look at these links lying around...
Already frothing at the mouth to read Night Beach? Just wait 'til you read Trinity's review.
Stacked breaks down  Cover Trends and The Female Body.
Two new covers for The Daughter of Smoke and Bone.
You know you want to watch The Lizzie Bennett Diaries!
Hunger Games vs. Draw Something = We all win.

Upcoming Reviews on YAA


  1. I did not know loveshyness was an actual condition!

    1. I didn't either, Tatiana! When I clicked on that link in Maggie's review for the website that is featured in the book I was shocked it was a real site. --N

  2. I love this post full of great links and you girls have some great reviews coming up, can't wait!

  3. I love that cover for THE YEAR NICK MCGOWAN CAME TO STAY. *off to investigate* Fun round-up, ladies!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  4. Thanks for these links, ladies! Trinity's review is ridiculously brilliant!

    So excited for your reviews too :-D

  5. Can't wait for the review of the Rebecca Sparrow one!


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